【JLPT N5】Grammar:〜だけ / ~dake


sentence pattern: 〜だけ / ~dake

Grammar Type: Particle

Essential Meaning: Only / Merely / Just


  • Noun + だけ
    • E.g. クリスだけ [Only Chris]
  • Noun + だけ + (が / は / を)
    • E.g. クリスだけが / クリスだけを / クリスだけは [Only Chris]
  • Noun + Particle (other than が / は / を) + だけ
    • E.g. クリスにだけ [To only Chris]
    • E.g. クリスからだけ [From only Chris]
  • Noun + だけ + Particle (other than が / は / を)
    • E.g. クリスだけに [Only to Chris]
    • E.g. クリスだけから [Only from Chris]
  • (Verb / い-Adjective) informal + だけ + (だ / です)
    • E.g. はなすだけだ / はなしただけです [X only speaks / X only spoke]
    • E.g. たかいだけだ / たかかっただけです [X is only expensive / X was only expensive]
  • な-Adjective stem + (な / だった) + だけ + (だ / です)
    • E.g. しずかなだけだ / しずかだっただけです [X is only quiet / X was only quiet]
  • Potential form verb + だけ
    • E.g. できるだけ [As much as one can]


  • だけ is basically equivalent to the English word “Only“. However, the precise connotation depends on whether だけ modifies a noun, adjective, or verb.
  • When だけ modifies a noun, the associated particle is important:
    • , and  can optionally be dropped, but if they remain they must be placed AFTER だけ.
      • E.g. スミスさんだけ(が)。[Only Mr. Smith came.]
    • Other particles such as , or  can NOT be dropped. They may be placed before or after だけ depending on the speaker’s intent. When the particle is placed before だけ, the sentence conveys a stronger feeling of exclusiveness.
      • E.g. スシロだけにました。[I went to Sushiro only.]
      • E.g. スシロにだけました。[I ONLY went to Sushiro.]
  • With adjectives and verbs, keep in mind that だけ modifies the full preceding phrase rather than the single preceding word. Misplacing だけ can completely change the connotation:
    • E.g. さかなだけを食べた。[I ate only fish.] Here だけ follows the noun さかな and not the predicate べた, so the sentence conveys the idea of “The only thing I ate was fish“.
    • E.g. さかなを食べただけだ。[The only thing I did was eat fish.] Here だけ follows the full phrase さかなべた, which conveys the idea of “I ate fish and did nothing else“.
  • A potential form verb + だけ expresses the idea of “Do X as much as one can“.
    • E.g. おどれるだけ踊おどろう。[Let’s dance as much as we can.]
    • E.g. べられるだけ食べたい。[I want to eat as much as possible.]

Note the difference between similar sentence patterns

~しか(~ません) (JLPT N4)
Used when it is unfortunate or inadequate. (Negative)
[Explanation] “Shika” is only used in negative sentences.

~のみ(JLPT N2)
This is a formal expression for “only ~”.
Limit yourself to one out of many. The meaning of “only” is strong.

Example Sentences

スミスさんだけ(が)た。[Only Mr. Smith came.]

ぼくにだけ話はなしてください。[Talk to me only, please.]

わたしは日本にほんへ一度いちどだけ行った。[I only went to Japan once.]

雪子ゆきこさんとはデートしただけだ。[I only dated Yukiko, nothing more.]

このいえおおきいだけだ。[This house is big, that’s all.]

このお菓子かしいろがきれいなだけだ。[This candy has a pretty color, that’s all.]

できるだけゆっくりはなしてください。[Please speak as slowly as possible.]


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