【JLPT N5】Grammar:~方(かた)/ ~kata


sentence pattern: ~方(かた)/ ~kata

【Grammar Type】

【Essential Meaning】
Way of / Manner of / How to

Verb masu-Form + kata(方)
E.g. 話し方
hanasi kata [Way / Manner of speaking]
E.g. 食べ方
tabe kata [Way / Manner of eating]

suru Verb + no sikata(仕方)
E.g. 料理の仕方
ryouri no sikata [Way of Cooking / Manner of cooking]


  • かた (/kata) refers to a way of doing something (i.e. “How to do X“) or a manner of doing something (i.e. “The manner of doing X“). For example, (kata) can be used to say things such as “Manner of speaking“, “How to draw“, “How to play” “Manner of dress“, et cetera. The precise connotation depends largely on context. For example, if I say 柔らかい話し方(yawarakai hanasikata), I am referring to a “soft manner of speaking.” If I say やり(yarikata)がわからない, I’m saying “I don’t know how to do it“.
  • Sino-Japanese verbs that take the form Verb + する (e.g. 勉強する [To study], 電話する [denwasuru/To call], 説明する [setsumei suru/To explain], 料理する [ryourisuru/To cook]) require the structure の + しかた (sikata/仕方).
    • E.g. 勉強の仕方
      • benkyou no sikata [Way of studying / Manner of studying]
    • E.g. 電話の仕方 
      • denwa no sikata[Way of making a telephone call / Manner of making a telephone call]
    • E.g. 説明の仕方
      • setsumei no sikata [Way of explaining / Manner of explaining]
    • E.g. 料理の仕方 
      • ryouri no sikata[Way of cooking / Manner of cooking]
    • E.g. 日本語の勉強の仕方を教えてください。 
      • nihongo no benkyou no sikata wo osiete kudasai.[Please teach me how to study Japanese.]
  • When 方(kata) refers to a way of doing something, (kata) is interchangeable with ほうほう (houhou/方法). 方法(houhou) means “Method” or “Method of doing“, which is basically synonymous with “Way of doing“.
    • E.g. 日本語の勉強の方法を教えてください。
      • nihongo no benkyou no houhou wo osiete kudasai. [Please teach me the method of studying Japanese.]
    • E.g. 日本語の勉強の仕方を教えてください。
      • nihongo no benkyou no sikata wo osiete kudasai. [Please teach me how to study Japanese.]

Example Sentences

oyogi kata wo oshiete itadake masenka?
Could you please teach me how to swim?

ATM no tsukai kata wo osiete itadake masenka?
Can you teach me how to use an ATM?

kono kanji no yomi kata wo oshiete kudasai
Please tell me how to read this kanji.

ano sensei no oshie kata wa totemo wakariyasui desu.
That teacher’s way of teaching is very easy to understand.

kitte no kai kata ga wakari masen.
I don’t know how to buy a train ticket.


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